I also have a very belated thank you to send to Cid, Designer Extraordinaire. The infamous Sprinkle bear that she designed and knitted now lives with me. You have to appreciate that Sprinkle bear was perhaps the most difficult of all the bears to knit because the yarn is slick and prone to splitting. As you can imagine, this bear took much longer to make than the others. The other Blackheads and I are ecstatic that Sprinkle lives with us even if he is more of a Brownhead. Pictures are forthcoming (where are my camera batteries?) and will be posted here ASAP. To Cid, thank you for Sprinkle! We love him very much.
As for the pattern I'm working on for knitty, Thor has suggested a different method of tubular cast on. I must admit that I think it is much better than the one I've been using. I'll have to detail it here sometime in the future.