This was absolutely unbelievable. I know that it happens everyday in hospital around the world: moms and dads-to-be see their baby for the first time. Nonetheless, this was the coolest and most amazing thing I've ever seen, and definitely trumps anything I've ever seen on a TV screen too.
All this giddiness and happiness is spreading (Aren't babies wonderful that way?) to all our friends and family. Today, Baby Blackhead received her first present and it was even made by hand. Behold, booties crocheted by quateryrd.
So this just about lit a fire under my prego behind. I have yet to start knitting for the baby. I'm working on a top for myself and still have about half way to go. Plus, this is my own design, which means added work time. For those of you who are saying, "well start something for the baby anyway," you must understand that I can't. I knit on one project at a time. If I put down a project to start another, it is the kiss of Frog for the first. Did I mention that this top is being knit out of mohair, which is almost impossible to frog? I know lots of knitters who bounce between projects, but I personally hate it. I feel so distracted. So I just plod through one project at a time. Sure, I've put projects aside with the intent of finishing them someday, but who are we kidding... they're really just living their last days in the Frog Pond.
Now I need to get cranking on my mohair top, write the pattern, and trouble Thor to proof it for me. Thor really helped me with my last pattern. I learned so much, but suspect that I still have LOTS to learn.
In the midst of all this baby stuff, the Little Blackheads are still a prominent fixture in my life. Jynx has been feeling under the weather and just finished a 3 week course of fluids, anitbiotics, Prednisone, and antioxidants. He's such a good sport and doesn't really ever fight. I think it might have something to do with the baby food he gets to eat during his drip. Now, when I go into the laundry room (where he got his IV) he follows me in anticipation of baby food. You'd think the very sight of the room would send him running, but the last week of fluids we didn't even have to carry him into the room. He came all by himself. He's looking much better. He's put on some weight and his coat has returned to its natural shiny state.
When I told a neighbor about his ailment and treatment course, she asked if we would put him down instead. I just about fainted. It wasn't like he deteriorated beyond available therapeutic modalities and was in constant excruciating pain. How could I even think of euthanasia? Absolutely not.
Hex, not to be outdone, continues in his role as Box Cat. It's amazing how driven he is to squeeze himself into boxes half his size. It isn't the best picture, but you can get the point.